
#19: “I and the Father Are One” SCRIPTURE: John 10:22-42 INTRO: In this part of chapter 10, John takes us from the Feast of Tabernacles in September to the Feast…
#18: “I Am the Good Shepherd” SCRIPTURE: John 10:1-21 INTRO: Here in chapter 10, in the events following His encounter with the Pharisees about healing the man born blind, Jesus…
#17: “Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind” (Part 2) SCRIPTURE: John 9:13-41 13 They brought to the Pharisees the man who had formerly been blind. 14 Now it was a…
#16: “Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind” (Part 1) SCRIPTURE: John 9:1-12 INTRO: Jesus and His disciples are still in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles, when they come across…
#15: “You Are of Your Father the Devil!” SCRIPTURE: 8:39-59 INTRO: Jesus is still teaching in the temple area. He has made reference to Abraham, who the Jews correctly considered…
#14: “Jesus Teaches About Light and Truth” SCRIPTURE: John 8:12-38 INTRO: I’m sure some of you are saying, “Larry, you left out the part about the woman caught in adultery.…
13: “Jesus at the Feast of Booths, Part 2” SCRIPTURE: John 7:25-52 INTRO: Jesus is still in Jerusalem, where He went secretly and taught in the temple. The Jews who…
#12: “Jesus at the Feast of Booths” (Part 1) SCRIPTURE: John 7:1-24 INTRO: Here again John uses the phrase, “After this.” What is “this”? “This” refers to the conversation Jesus…
#11: “The Bread of Life” SCRIPTURE: John 6:22-71 INTRO: The day after the crowd of thousands had been fed, Jesus and His disciples were at the plain of Gennesaret, where…
#10: “Jesus Feeds 5,000 and Walks on Water” SCRIPTURE: John 6:1-21 INTRO: “After this…” What is the “this”? “This” is the conversation Jesus had with the Jews who confronted Him…